Frame Instructions
Thank you for your attention to detail.
- Please build the frames at least 24 hours prior to the artist’s arrival.
- Please order canvas 3 weeks before event to allow for shipping.
- After you build the frames you will need to stretch the canvases. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds. Visit this page for complete directions: Canvas Stretching Tutorial Page
NOTE: You need one wooden support frame for each painting you want the artist to paint.
The artist will bring a tarp.
Frame Materials: (needed per frame)
- a. (4) 4” x ¾” right angle corner brace (or largest available up to 6″)
- b (16) #8 ¾” wood screws for corner braces (some corner brace kits include screws)
- c. (4) 3” wood screws
- d. (4) 1” x 4” x 6’ high quality pine (no warped pieces please) (I usually buy 1 extra 1 x 4 in case I make a mistake)
Additional Materials: (needed per six paintings) (all available at Wal-Mart)
- a. (1) Gallon of Latex Satin Finish Black paint
- b. (2) 8 fl. oz. Yellow acrylic craft paint
(2) 8 fl. oz. Orange acrylic craft paint
(2) 8 fl. oz. Red acrylic craft paint
(1) 8 fl. oz. Purple acrylic craft paint
(3) 8 fl. oz. Blue acrylic craft paint
(1) 8 fl. oz. White acrylic craft paint
(2) 8 fl. oz. Green acrylic craft paint - c. (1) standard size paint tray
- d. (1) Roll of duct tape or gaff tape (to secure drop cloth)
- e. (1) box of 1/4″ Arrow T50 staples
- f. (7) Disposable Paint Trays
Please Note:
- The paints listed above are enough for up to 6 paintings
- For 6 – 12 paintings double the quantity of paint
- If 8 fl. oz. are not available use (2) 4 fl. oz. or any combination of sizes totaling 8 oz.
- Make sure to not buy the gloss craft paint.
- We use water based ACRYLIC paints (please do not buy tempera or enamel)
- The artist will bring the jars to dump the paint in.
- The artist brings the drop cloths, and easels.
- See Picture below for more help.
VERY VERY IMPORTANT LAST ITEM!!! NEEDS to be done 3 weeks before event to allow for shipping!!!!!
- Our preferred canvas is the 59 or 60 inches wide “White Duck Cloth” item # 2136323 found at Jo Ann Fabrics. We will need 2 yards of canvas per painting being performed plus an extra 2 yards in case one is damaged or short.
- The easiest way to order canvas is from the website or call JoAnn and order at 1-888-739-4120
- Please make sure that your canvas is WHITE. Item #2136323 designates white canvas. Many colors are available.
- Please cut the canvas into 2 yard (6 feet) pieces so that it can be properly stretched. JoAnn will likely not want to cut the canvas for you. If they do cut it your coupon code will only work on one piece.
- JoAnn almost always has 40% off coupon codes available. Shortly before you are ready to place your order please contact us and we will give you the most current discount code if one is available.
- If you have a local JoAnn retail location you can order it there but it sometimes takes weeks to arrive. They usually have 2-10 yards in stock.
How much canvas to order:
Two yards per painting plus two extra yards.
1 painting = 4 yards (two 2 yard pieces)
2 paintings = 6 yards (three 2 yard pieces)
3 paintings = 8 yards (four 2 yard pieces)
4 paintings = 10 yards (five 2 yard pieces)
5 paintings = 12 yards (six 2 yard pieces)
6 paintings – 14 yards (seven 2 yard pieces)
7 paintings = 16 yards (eight 2 yard pieces)
8 paintings = 18 yards (nine 2 yard pieces)
9 paintings = 20 yards (ten 2 yard pieces)
JoAnn Fabrics
59 inches wide White Duck Cloth item # 2136323 – 1-888-739-4120 (website is confusing, best to order by phone)
Suitable Replacement Canvas:
Hancock Fabrics – item #715383 (59″ or 60″ White duck cloth)
1-877-322-7427 or
Fabric Depot – item ask for “James Thompson White 60” Duck Cloth 9 or 10 oz”
1-800-392-3376 wholesale department number
Frame building Instructions and Tips!
- All Dimensions and Building materials listed are critical. (assembled frame dimensions are 4’6″ by 5’6″)
- There may be a stronger, quicker or easier way to build these frames. This design works very well for us for many reasons. Please ignore the temptation to deviate from the design we provide, thanks.
- Double Fastened system, each corner has two fasteners: A 4″ corner brace and a 3″ wood screw (the 3″ wood screws are often accidentally overlooked) (use a pilot hole for the wood screw)
- Tip! – The pilot holes are most easily drilled prior to frames assembly.
- Have frames with canvases stretched placed in set-up room when the artist arrives
Pitcher is no longer needed. All other supplies are still needed.
Disposable Paint Trays (7 of these)
Either style will work. Please don’t get full size roller trays, these are for a 4″ paintbrush.
These are the craft paints that Wal-Mart sells. They are located in the craft section.
Make sure to not get the Glossy paints. Gloss Paints are located in the same area so check the labels.
This picture should help with the size of the bottle.
Wal-Mart also sells smaller bottles of acrylic paint.
It is more expensive to buy the smaller size.
The color paints should not cost more than $45
The black should be no more than $20 per gallon.
It is possible that in some parts of the country paint will cost a little more. (Canada or Europe $$$)
If Wal-Mart is not an option any craft store should carry this type of paint. It does not need to be PLAID brand.
Be sure not to get tempera or enamel! (no oil based). Please buy acrylic paints only.
There needs to be an overhead projector (not a digital projector) in the setup room with all of the other supplies.
Please verify that the bulb works and if possible have a spare on hand.